So, I've been a bit frustrated. Nothing new, right?
I've been drawing quite a bit but I just haven't felt inspiration flowing through my work. My drawings feel stale and lifeless . . .
So, I've been a bit frustrated. Nothing new, right?
I've been drawing quite a bit but I just haven't felt inspiration flowing through my work. My drawings feel stale and lifeless . . .
The drawing above is an example of the lack of inspiration I've been feeling. I do acknowledge that sometimes you just have to do whatever you can in the moment. My frustration is most likely coming from my own impatience. I just want to make some drawings and illustrations that make me proud, but I want to skip all the hard work that goes along with it. You have to make the not-so-good in order to get to the good, I suppose.
Another part of my frustration had to do with my drawings looking too refined and lacking in gesture. I went ahead and tried to work with some different materials - charcoal and crayon - to see if it made me happier. It did. The result was something that is definitely worth investigating. I scanned the drawing in and experimented with coloring it digitally. Here is the result:
Another part of my frustration had to do with my drawings looking too refined and lacking in gesture. I went ahead and tried to work with some different materials - charcoal and crayon - to see if it made me happier. It did. The result was something that is definitely worth investigating. I scanned the drawing in and experimented with coloring it digitally. Here is the result:
It's a really rough image but I am happy with some of the things that are going on here. I'm still trying to figure out the various ways to color a drawing digitally and seeing which method best suits my process. This is all I have for now. It's been a fairly busy week.
Have a great weekend!
Have a great weekend!